Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Should you buy Music City Bowl tickets from Vanderbilt's allotment?

So Vanderbilt has an allotment of 11,000 tickets and we should all do our part to buy from this allotment so we can support our school, right?

If money's no object to you, go for it, and I applaud your school spirit.

Just know that tickets start at $50 when you go through Vanderbilt's site, at $15 when you go to the Music City Bowl's site, and around $5 when you go through a site like Stub Hub.

Let's say you're going to buy eight tickets and you don't care where you sit. Consider these options:

• Vanderbilt's Web site: $50 + $6.75 Ticketmaster charge X 8 = $454

• Music City Bowl's site: $15 + 6.75 Ticketmaster charge X 8 = $174

• Stub Hub: $5 + 10 percent fee + shipping = $55

And there are even better deals out there — online prices have dropped in the past 24 hours down to around $3.

Take the money you saved and upgrade your room at a Nashville hotel or treat yourself to a really nice meal at a Nashville restaurant. Or make a donation to the university or buy yourself a bunch of Vanderbilt T-shirts.

But why pay more when you don't have to?


Anonymous said...

Where do you go to get tickets online. If I can get a good deal I will bring my wife and three kids. Otherwise, at $50 each, it will just be 2 of us.


Greg, you can easily take the whole family. What Vanderbilt's not telling you is that the tickets start at $15 through Ticketmaster, not $50. But they're going for about $3 right now on stub hub (www.stubhub.com). There will be a 10 percent fee and a shipping charge of about $12.


I've updated the story to include a link to all the sites and a few more details. dkh

lsmsrbls said...

I do care where I sit, and I wanted the $50 tickets, but I'm still not sure if going through Vanderbilt was the right move.

I could have gotten tickets about 25 rows up on the 10 yard line from ticket master when they went on sale...I won't know whether the tickets I actually bought from Vanderbilt are better or worse for at least a week. My fingers are crossed.


So you don't know where your tickets are? If you were going to get the $50 seats anyway and you care where you sit, then you made the right move by going through VU. You're going to be sitting with all Vanderbilt fans and I bet your seats will be better than the ones you'd have gotten through Ticketmaster because TM probably sent a bunch of their best $50 seats to VU. But let me know how it turns out.

lsmsrbls said...

That's what I figure. They are assigning seats next week based on priority (which for me I assume just means when I ordered since I don't have season tickets). I would think the tickets in the middle of the field would go to either team...I'm just nervous that I'll be disappointed knowing the tickets I could have had.

I'll let you know how it works out.

Anonymous said...

The Vanderbilt tickets cost more because they have been allotted the best seats at LP Field - on the lower level and club level. Buying through Vanderbilt is also the only way to be sure you will sit in the specially designated Vanderbilt fans sections. Tickets can be purchased through Vanderbilt by going to www.vucommodores.com, calling 615-322-GOLD or stopping by the box office at McGugin center on campus.


You're exactly right, and thanks for the information. I've said all along that if people want great seats and are willing to pay for them then they should go through the university. It certainly helps VU for fans to buy from their allotment. But people like Greg M (and me) who have a bunch of children and want to take their whole family to the game and still have presents under the tree should at least know that you can get tickets online for $2.

lsmsrbls said...

Well, it appears that my seats are about 15 rows up in the end zone, so if I could go back I would have gotten them from ticket master.

I'll keep that in mind for next time, and for now I'll write this off as a good deed I did for Vanderbilt, since it will help them sell out their tickets sooner.


Shoot. I'm sorry to hear that. I would have done the same thing. But you'll still be about 1,000 feet closer to the action than I will be. And maybe the Commodores will score lots of touchdowns in your end zone.