Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Vanderbilt's stuck with James Franklin, and we'll just wait and see if that's a good thing

Boy, those geniuses at the Washington Post's Terrapins Insider never sleep, do they? Now they're claiming that James Franklin is Vanderbilt's next head coach. You go, Matt Bonesteel.

Of course, I'm sure that it's true. Just the sort of hire we'd make. You know, because we're so smart and we know how to spot a winner. If anybody's flying under the radar, it's Franklin, who's the architect of the 85th best offense in college football and supposedly has a magnetic personality and comprehensive long-term goals.

David Williams told Eric Prisbell of the Post that he met Franklin when he was offensive coordinator at Kansas State: "Even back then, he was put­ting into motion a plan of what it would take to be a head coach. The other thing is, we were aware that he is the coach-in-waiting at Mary­land. Obviously, some­body else has recog­ni­zed some of the same things that we recognized."

OK, so we're not getting our big-name candidate, which is what we needed to feel good about the search between now and September. And isn't that waht we wanted? Isn't that what we as Vanderbilt fans deserve? To feel good about our team for once, even if nothing actually materializes?

When I was writing all that crap about Kiehl Frazier following Malzahn to Vanderbilt, I knew it would never happen because it was great, great stuff that could never be true. Sure, Frazier would have followed Malzahn to Vandy, and I'm sure I'm 100 percent right about that. But I knew that Malzahn in the end would never come to Vanderbilt.

No, we're getting a no-name coach with an upside and a downside and we're going to have to wait months and months — and maybe years and years — before we know whether Williams and friends made the right decision and whether we'll be ready to celebrate.

I'm glad Vanderbilt made a strong run at Malzahn. Now we've got Franklin — who was just as good as the other no-name finalists — and so we'll just sit back and see if he can close the deal on our best recruits and maybe pick up a couple of other decent players and then in spring practice install an offense that doesn't suck and then in the fall field a team that doesn't get destroyed.

And that's about all there is to say about it.


Anonymous said...

Dimon, cheer up. I think that we will be fine with Franklin. Maybe I am just an optimist regarding Franklin, but I have no idea if Malzahn was going to be good at Vandy other than the fact that he was the sexy hire this off-season. Malzahn was not bringing his offensive line which averaged about 6'5 325 and had played together alot (free of injuries); nor QB Cam Newton a top 5 pick in this years NFL draft; nor several players on Auburns roster who will be in the NFL in the next few years including DT Fairly. Let's give Frankliln a chance to develop our talent. He will have a solid base of talent to work with. Lets see what type of staff he brings in here. I hope that he interviews Herb Hand and installs him as OC based on his experience with the spread offense at Tulsa. That would be a great start to the new coaching staff. Go Dores !

Anything but Gatorade said...

Anyone else think that this hire is a microcosm of Vanderbilt football? Most common reaction to this hire, and the program in general, seems to be "I mean, I guess so."

Anonymous said...

At least people arent talking about meeting him at the airport and say "go home!"

will said...

I'm just saying, once again, you just can't be a prophet in your own country. If you lay out the qualifications for coach Franklin and coach Hand you could go either way and probably be right either way.....jusayin!! Sic 'em, Coach Franklin; you're my guy!!

Anonymous said...

Bob -

Yes. I certainly do.

The fact that many Vandy fans are willing to shrug their shoulders and accept it shows that it will never change. Ever. Those of us who post here, VSL, vandymania, etc. need to accept that 99% of Vandy alumni don't care, and we are in the vast minority in *sincerely* wanting the program to move forward. A lot of fans say they do, but it's half hearted at best.

Supporting Vanderbilt football has literally drained my soul. I used to adore it with all my heart. The administration, as well as *most* of the fans, don't actually care. It will be showcased when the Franklin hire is made official and people call in saying "well... lets give him a chance i guess."

I'm tired of "giving people a chance". Bring in a $#@*$&# coach who has already proven they can do something. Not some guy who has a great personality and can't even score against Big East Ds.

Until the fans start showing some give a darn about hiring sub-par coaches, we are doomed to constant mediocrity.

I'm just glad its basketball season.

Anonymous said...

Argh, I meant ACC, not Big East.

Point still stands.

Wes said...

Franklin is not our 3rd, 4th, 5th, hell even 6th choice (Dooley), so lets take some comfort in that. We were embarrased by both the WP bc they cant write a credible story and a greedy coach who leveraged this position to get more money. Head coaches dont do a whole lot of "coaching" Look at Aubrun, you think the offensive is coming from Gene? Hell no. If Franklin brings in the right staff we should be fine. Hes known for being a great recruiter and everything Ive heard and read about the guy is hes energetic, likeable, and a good recruiter. We need those things in head coach to win over recruits, fans, and donors. This could be a good thing and I dont think Williams had him number two to Malzahn for no reason.


Wes, you make some good points. I love the fact that he's a respected recruiter. If he can bring in good coordinators (and resist the urge to call plays himself) then we could have something.

Greg M said...

I agree with ananynous who has had his soul drained. This sucks. I predict it will be a terrible hire and will speak with my pocket book. No season tickets next year. I am going to watch the Chattanooga Mocs instead. They will be ranked higher than us next year just like they are ranked 22!! teams ahead of us this year in the Sagarin rankings. WTF!Coach Hussman would have been a better choice. At least he has some head coaching experience and has turned around a losing program.

Not taking this crap anymore. If the admin doesn't care, why should I?

Greg M said...

I will repeat it again and again. TERRIBLE HIRE!!

GO Mocs!!

I also predict Dooley will look like a genius compared to this clown. We had to have a high profile name to up the recruiting against National Champ SEC teams. Not same old same old. I would almost rather us drop football than continue to get embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

This is a hire from a misguided AD who is not an AD. Didn't that dork Gee install this system so that the athletic programs could access some of the billions...yet they don't support the D1 teams on a sufficient level (and certainly not the club teams either).

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia, the source of all sources no less, has looked into the future and contains this tidbit at the end of James Franklin's page:

"He offically accepted Vanderbilt's offer to become their Head Coach on Dec. 16, 2010."

Guess we'll know tomorrow.

Dimon said...

Greg, you're not comparing us to Chattanooga again, are you? Look, this is not a feel-good hire. We know nothing about Franklin other than what we've read on Wikipedia. And no, we're not terribly impressed that he was offensive coordinator of the Roskilde Knights of the Danish American Football Federation. Now we're going to have to just sit back and see if he delivers. I'll be impressed between now and summertime if he can (1) close the deal on our current verbal commitments, which are pretty good, and (2) maybe even add a 3-star athlete or two, and (3) have a real quarterback competition in the spring.

Greg M said...

Yeah FYI

I looked at Wikepedia a few days a go when googling Malzahn and it had him as being Vandy head coach. They removed it a few hours later.

Greg M said...

Dimon Jim, all I know are the facts.Chattanooga is # 99 and we are #121 in the Sagarin Rankings.Like them our not that is where we rank.What does that say about the state of our current program? Just sayin.

I think we will continue to suck unless we make a great hire. That may not be possible, but I for one will not sit quietly by while we make another bad no-name hire that sets us in the cellar for another 10 years!!!

James Franklin?? Really? You wnat me to be happy with James Franklin?

dimon said...

Greg, do I sound excited about James Franklin? But I don't see how you can say he's a failure nine months before he's coached his first game. I'm giving him a chance. We'll know more about this hire this time next year, and we'll know a lot more in 2012. It may be a great hire. It may not be. I'm willing to wait and see which one it is.

Greg M said...

Here's to 5+ more years of two wins or less.

I agree with everyone who says this is a dead end job. Only an established superstar could turn this ship around and none of them need the job. I really don't believe that someone whom Southern football recruits have never heard of can get the recruiting done that we need to compete. Sounds like his OC skills are on par with Vandy's though. What was he 85th in the nation this year. That is quite a step up. Ha.

And yes I am angry, fed up, and bitter about what is happening.

vandygal78 said...

I have been reading more about him and I am starting to see some real positives with him. In addition to the football stuff that others have covered, he is crazy on the sidelines which would be fun for the players and a real boost for the crowd. No question that he is a hard worker and really wants this job. If selected, I do hope he keeps Herb Hand and Des. btw, I live in northern virginia, and some of these high school players are amazing, if he can pull some smart and great players from the Md, DC and NoVa and Herb can get the southern guysthis could really be a positive. Whichever way this job search goes, I will absolutely support him.

Anonymous said...

Look this hire rates up there with the Dowhower bust. He's got to be insane coming to this place or maybe they're equally insane. One for wanting to come and the other for hiring him.
On the surface this guy has all the cred of a dead man walking which is exactly what he'll be in about 3-4 years when he's about 1-15 in the conference and has less than a 20% winning percentage. This hire was suppose to be a committment hire well some committment. Maybe they or us need to all be committed for watching this crap year after year,

Greg M said...

Dimon Jim,
The same Sagarin Rankings that have our football team at 121 and UTC at 99, have our BB team at #14 in the country right now, so yes they aren't to credible are they.

121 might be the highest we see in a while in football going forward.

Go Dores BB!!

Greg M said...

This sucks!! I am giving up my season tickets and I too will hope against hope that somehow this turns out to be a good hire.Go Mocs. My new favorite team.

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. I am going to lunch today in Chattanooga with some VU alums and we will be starting a push to get DW fired.

Anonymous said...

This is the most ridiculous message board I have ever visited. The guy has not coached a game and everyone has strong opinions. It's just plain moronic to start a move to fire the dean of a school. We have very good athletic programs with one exception. Let's not throw out the baby with the bath water. We won a bowl two years ago. For those of you that give up your season tickets I am glad. Give up you bunch of losers!