Got a new Ask-a-Dore segment on the athletic department site and, lo and behold, it features Larry Smith, but the interview was conducted before the announcement that he would be the starting quarterback.
I'll run down the highlights for you, but must first say two things:
1) Larry had an extremely hard act to follow in Jamie Graham, who's a hilarious guy and good in front of a mike.
2) Larry apparently graduated from the Nuke LaLoosh school of interviewing. For example, he likes to answer questions with a friendly "most definitely," and he answers questions about the preseason with a friendly "we're taking it practice by practice," and questions about the season with a friendly "we're taking it game by game."
Fortunately for you, I'm a patient listener and have listened to the 8-minute interview and gleaned a few interesting facts for you:
• True freshmen receivers Brady Brown and Collin Ashley have been impressive in spring practice: When asked about the receiving corps, Larry said, "We young," and then, unprompted, he mentioned two receivers, Brown and Ashley, saying they were both "stepping up good." That's good to hear.
• Larry was an Air Force brat: Larry's dad was stationed in California, then North Carolina, then Alabama. "We're kind of fortunate because we only lived in three places," he said.
• Why Larry wears the number 10: Because as a boy he was a fan of Kordell Stewart and Chipper Jones.
• High school nickname: L-Train, but people haven't called him that in Nashville...yet. The above picture shows Larry in full L-Train mode at Prattville High School.
• His roommate since he got to Vanderbilt: Jermaine Doster. "We're real neat," he says. Now receiver Justin Green has joined them. Justin may refuse to make up his bed until Larry starts throwing him the ball.
• Something we may not know about Broderick Stewart: His nickname is High Definition.
• On the importance of swag: "You got to have swag on the field. Without swag you have low confidence." And does Alex Washington really have the most swag on the team? "Alex thinks he has the most swag, but I give it to him."
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